About Us
Icarus Innovated is a group of students who are passionate about robotics, science and technology, but that’s not all we do. Although we are a robotics team, community is our priority. This is why we use our robot for good, whether it be in schools or cerebrating the opening of a new hospital, we more than a robotics team.
Our Mission
To create an inclusive environment where every student has the opportunity to learn and demonstrate real-world technology, engineering, business, and leadership skills.
Team Organization
Here at Icarus, we have two groups for different jobs to help us all soar to victory.
Robot team
These are the people who CAD, Build and Program the robot. These are the people that help us succeed in the competition aspect of FIRST. We have a shop that allows us to make our entire robot in-house, we also let other teams use our equipment. We’ve been hosting and mentoring The Gravediggers team 6411 in our shop since 2017.
Business team
These are the people who give us opportunities to work more with our community and the people around us, as well as get us money and keep us sustainable. These are the people who help us win awards such as the Chairman’s award during the 2022 season.
Team History
Icarus Innovated has been in commission for seven years. At Alta High, our team was first formed in December of 2012; further on that same season we won the Rookie Inspiration Award. Every year succeeding, we enjoy the pleasure of witnessing our team grow and evolve to display intense passion for the program and the opportunities it provides.

New Hawks, Team 7634
In 2019, we made another team made up of our first year people. We find that usually people that are new to robotics don’t want to intrude on what the veterans are doing, which causes a lot of people to not learn. Then when the more experienced people graduate knowledge is lost. Having this rookie team fixes that by giving them a platform to learn and be mentored. Then after their first season they join us on Icarus Innovated and move on to mentor the new generation of rookies.